Britton's Bio
Britton stepped into this work at a very early age. When she was 12 she experienced an existential crisis, and her starseed family came in to assist her through it.
Seriously… as she was walking to 7-Eleven to get a Slurpee in 1984 strangers would walk up to her, adults, and ask her to help them through their darkest deepest problems. She found herself able to help. Britton’s starseed family continued from that point on with training her as she chose at that time to be of service to others!
It is Britton’s belief that by answering even regular life questions – it leads to soul development and evolution, planned by your higher self. She has acquired many tools over the years to assist in the many processes of self-realization.
Britton’s readings are designed to answer your questions, working with advanced ETs, Ascended Masters, and Angels. She utilizes several modalities; an original energy reading technique taught to her by her guidance, tarot, and astrology to bring you clarity in every type of relationship and situation with accuracy.
Using the same energy reading technique, she can connect to your dearly departed and act as a medium upon request.
Britton is a Master Holy Fire Reiki practitioner and in conjunction with the Violet Flame, she cleans and clears your energy body to aid in fundamental healing, assisted by her guidance team.
Britton’s readings are cathartic in nature in bringing clarity, and reassuring that you understand your path in life.
Britton offers what she humbly calls soul astrology, where she breaks down your chart (Natal, Progressed, and Composite (your chart with another person)) with the emphasis on your souls intention, impeccable and chosen life lessons and journey through life.
Britton is a Feline Angelic starseed, in constant contact and guidance her guidance team and starseed family, she trained herself with the wisdom of cosmic cultures.
Britton’s greatest joy as a reader is as a teacher of the psychic arts, and of tarot. You are invited to reclaim your birthright of self-realization and expansion of your given awareness and senses!
Britton also offers classes in Disclosure, and training in the CE5 (Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind) Protocol – safely making CONTACT with our star family or high dimensional ETs. “Disclosure” classes offer understanding the Cosmic Cultures that are apart of the exo-political reality here in our Solar System and the ones assisting Humanity during this ascension cycle.
Enlighten yourself!