Astrology & HUMAN DESIGN
Astrology is the study of the influence that the sun, stars and planets have on our human lives on earth. The position of the planetary bodies at a person’s precise time of birth – and in relation to their precise location of birth – is believed to correlate with their personality as well as the events that unfold in their lives and the greatest potential of their soul. Astrologers also track the current movements (transits) of the planets in today’s skies, and interpret how these movements may activate or impact a person’s natal birth chart placements, providing wonderful and empowering insight and options with regards to current and upcoming events and unfoldings.
Human Design is a newer practice that pulls from Astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, and Ayurveda. In Human Design you are less focused on the areas of your life, like Astrology, and more focused on your body and its energy. With Human Design we look at your aura, your body and its rhythms and energies, you reason for incarnating in this lifetime, your manifestation style, your karmic pattern, the environments your body prefers, and even the types of eating styles that’ll maximize your digestion. Human Design is a unique tool that we can apply to all areas of our life to increase the ease and success in everything we do.
Clients can expect to find increased self acceptance, self awareness, less friction in their life and more success, and lots of ideas for how to maximize their cosmic design from a reading! (Please note, Riv is the only practitioner who currently offers this type of reading at this time.)
Astrology is great for: Self-discovery, healing through past awareness, future perspectives, timing important actions.
Human Design is great for: Self-acceptance, decision making, maximizing your body’s natural rhythms, understanding how your auric field works, learning your reason for reincarnating, how you manifest best, improving digestion, improving cognition, increasing ease of success in life!