by Ellen Aura

For best guidance, read for both your Sun sign & your Rising Sign ✨

Connect with @ellen.aura on IG



Welcome to February, Aries! We are already a month into 2021 and there has been a LOT happening already! This month opens up with Venus entering your 11th house of Aquarius, indicating a favorable time when it comes to socializing, friend groups, hopes and ideas. Take advantage of this time and connect with people in your social circle (safely, please!) as well as giving some love to your hopes and dreams. On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, which also will fall in your 11th house. What are some new beginnings that you want to embark on when it comes to these themes? What seeds do you want to plant and tend to over the next 6 months? Is it a new project, a new friend or a new social setting? This lunation has both benefics, Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Aquarius as well, so it’s very promising for long-lasting and harmonious goal setting. On the 17th, there is a square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, the first of 3. This square is the signature of 2021, since we will be experiencing it all throughout the year. Saturn in your 11th house squaring Uranus in your 2nd house, this is a tension that speaks to your networking abilities being tied in to your finances and it’s a perfect time for checking in on those New Moon goals that were placed a week ago. Are these goals helping you or impeding you from building a better value & financial system for yourself? Even though squares represent friction, it can be a catalyst to start something sustainable and effective. Perhaps there will be moments where your social circle, your ideas or hopes are not panning out the way you thought they were, and that is OKAY. It is all about trial & error during this time, so use the Uranus energy to be able to redirect and adapt to situations as they come, and don’t be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone for fear of rejection or failure. On the 18th, the sun enters your 12th house of Pisces, bringing to light all things subconscious. If there are any mental patterns of self-sabotage, then this can be a time where they are brought to the surface and asked to be recognized and dealt with at this time. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 11th house Aquarius, ending its retrograde cycle. During the past 3 weeks, you have been in revision mode when it comes to 11th house themes. What lessons can you take from the past three weeks? What has been working, what hasn’t been? Now is the time to put those practices into play and clean house regarding mental patterns and behaviors that are not conducive to the growth of your hopes, ideas, dreams and social settings. On the 25th, Venus exits your 11th house and makes its way into your 12th house of Pisces. Venus is commonly exalted in Pisces (aka held up like royalty) and we love a Venus in Pisces moment! For you, this is activating your 12th house of isolation and subconscious. This indicates a somewhat self-less time when it comes to yourself and your relationships, it can be a time where you are more focused on giving to others vs receiving, but do not fall into the narrative that people are obliged to reciprocate with the same amount of value and love you are putting out! To finish off the month, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo, illuminating your 6th house of health and work. The 6th house is a house of service and much like the 12th house, is a very selfless place in the natal chart. Full Moons are times of culmination, what are you ready to let go of when it comes to taking care of yourself and your health? Are there any toxic emotional behaviors coming from your workplace or from you even when it comes to these topics? Virgo is a Mercurial sign, therefore this lunation is connecting both mental and emotional topics during this time for you to let go of anything that is not serving your best and highest self. Dig deep, Aries!


Happy February, Taurus! The month starts up with Venus moving into your 10th house of Aquarius. This indicates a favorable time for professional and career moves, bringing harmony and attention to your public image and self during the next few weeks. Being in a Saturn ruled sign, it could bring some long-lasting opportunities to the table! On the 11th, there will be a New Moon occurring in your 10th house of career, public image and legacy, marking a perfect opportunity for a new beginning and new career moves for you! I often stress the fact that the significance of “career” in 10th house doesn’t mean it has to be your full time paid job. I see 10th house career as your passion, what you want to be known for and what kind of legacy you want to leave behind. What is a new beginning you can start for yourself in this area? A beginning you can nurture not only through this new 28-day lunar cycle, but until the next Full Moon in Aquarius during Leo Season? Think big! On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares usually represent friction. These planets are activating your 10th and 1st houses respectively. This can indicate some tension between your public plans/life and your self-identity. Maybe there are issues of not knowing what you truly want during this lifetime or at a given moment, and it requires you to take a step back and really get in touch with your inner self. You’ve also had Uranus hanging out in your 1st house of identity, meaning that there can be a lot of unexpected and revealing things coming to light as it pertains to yourself. Pay attention to whatever is coming up during the next several years, as you learn to know different facets of yourself when you are dealing with a range of people, emotions and situations. On the 18th, the sun enters your 11th house of Pisces, shining a light and bringing some vitality to your social settings, hopes, friends and ideas, signaling a time where group activities and networking are at the forefront. It can be a time where you are reflecting on the dynamics of your social relationships and weighing the amount of give and take that is forming said relationships. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in Aquarius, after being retrograde for a few weeks. This signals the end of a revision period with things about your public image, legacy and career moves. It also serves as a great point to look back on those new moon intentions that were set a week ago and how you can put those plans in forward motion. Even though Mercury won’t clear the post-shadow period for another week or two, we can slowly start moving forward and applying any mental work in these areas of life. On the 25th, Venus exits your 10th house and slides into your 11th house of Pisces, indicating a harmonious and pleasurable time when it comes to socializing, friend groups, your hopes, ideas and dreams as well as networking! Venus is exalted in Pisces, AKA treated like royalty, and Pisces being a water mutable sign, it really is a favorable time to nurture your social relationships and find some pleasure and fun in connecting with others in a more spiritual and abstract way. To finish up the second month of 2021, February bids us goodbye with a Full Moon in Virgo, which illuminates your 5th house of creativity and self-expression. Are there any ways in which you are holding yourself back when it comes to expressing yourself or your creative process? How can you make room to express yourself more authentically? Try and let go of any mental blockings or setbacks that you know you can tackle with this Full Moon, Taurus!


February is here, Gemini. The month opens up with Venus ingressing your Aquarius 9th house of spirituality, knowledge and higher education. This can indicate a time where your consciousness is expanding in Venus-like ways, i.e. through the arts, values, pleasure and relationships. It can be a good period of time to indulge in artistic activities that help expand your mind! On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, also falling in your 9th house. What are new ways you can find, new foundations you can establish when it comes to pushing the boundaries of your knowledge and education? Especially with Saturn co-present during this lunation, really think of long lasting changes and beginnings you can invest and tend to during this time regarding 9th house themes. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three Saturn-Uranus squares. This is activating both your 9th and 12th houses respectively. Squares usually represent friction and tension, and this for you might indicate the push and pull energy of finding new boundaries or even trying to break from existing restrictions when it comes to higher spiritual and mental activity, both conscious and unconscious. What holds you back from learning, expanding or even diving into your unconscious mind? On the contrary, are there any boundaries you need to draw or apply to yourself that can keep you from spiraling down a rabbit hole that could be self-sabotaging for you? This Saturn-Uranus square is the signature of 2021 and will be going exact a few times, meaning this will be an ongoing theme for this year. A day after, on the 18th, the Sun enters your 10th house of Pisces, bringing some attention to your career, public image and legacy and this can signal a shift in focus for the next 30 days. You might be inclined to think about your position in the world and the community as a whole and check in with yourself, where and who you want to be in this life. It can also indicate being in the spotlight when it comes to professional or career matters. On the 20th, Mercury, the planet of communication, stations direct in your 9th house of Aquarius. All this new information you’ve been acquiring over the past 3 weeks that was up for revision and rethinking is ready to be put to use moving forward. Even though Mercury wont clear its post-shadow period for another week or two, we can slowly start moving forward and applying whatever we found useful in our lives, especially when it comes to 9th house themes such as higher education, spirituality, religion and conscious expansion. On the 25th, Venus joins the Sun in your 10th house of Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces, aka its held up like royalty in this sign. This can bring all kinds of harmonious, pleasant and favorable situations when it comes to the most external aspects of your life (such as common 10th house themes talked about above) and it can also come in ways of being more involved with artistic activities at this time or the more artistic and creative side of tasks. On the 27th, and to wrap up the month, there’ll be a Full Moon in Virgo, illuminating your 4th house of family, ancestry and home life. Full Moons are culmination points, optimal for release and purging. What can you make room for in your home life, or even in your relationship with your home, your past self and the people you live with (if any)? Maybe this looks like actually decluttering your physical space and/or your mental space as well. Virgo is a Mercury ruled sign, a lot to do with our mind, its patterns and how we think. What needs to be released in order to make room for new ways of interacting with family or within your home life, and even with your ancestors?



We have made it to the second month of 2021, Cancer! This month opens up for you with Venus entering your Aquarius 8th house of shared resources/finances, taxes and mortality, where it will stay for the next few weeks. Usually Venus transits through this house tend to be on the favorable side, and it could manifest a different number of ways, such as value and financial gain through other people’s resources. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aquarius activating your 8th house as well. New Moons are all about new beginnings. This New Moon has a TON of Aquarian energy (literally the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter AND Saturn are all hanging out in your 8th house for this lunation) so this is an excellent time to set new goals and plant new seeds when it comes to manifesting joint resources or passive income of some type. Mercury is retrograde during this period so make sure whatever seeds you are planting that you have been revising, rethinking and restructuring to get the best results possible. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn and Uranus. These are falling in your 8th and 11th house respectively. Squares usually manifest as tension or friction between two energies, in this case for you the Aquarian 8th house Saturn energy of drawing boundaries, restrictions and getting a solid foundation up and running when it comes to other people’s resources and the 11th house Uranian energy, representing the erratic changes and new developments when it comes to hopes, dreams and social settings in your life. This can manifest a different amount of ways such as having a social connection that brings you some financial opportunity for your advantage, or that an external person/situation is disrupting what should be a smooth transaction. These Saturn-Uranus squares are the theme of 2021, so these themes can come up throughout the entire year. On the 18th, the sun enters your 9th house of Pisces, shining a light and shifting your focus into expanding the horizons of your mind and consciousness. This could be a good time to take on a new subject or study that you have been curious about or been wanting to dive deeper on, especially with Pisces energy, anything spiritual and of higher knowledge can be beneficial to learn and apply during this time! On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 8th house of Aquarius, marking the start of its forward motion once again. Even though Mercury won’t clear its shadow period for another week or two, we can slowly start to put any plans in motion that were on hold and on revision during the retrograde period. This is a good check in point to see how your intentions from the new moon are doing, and if there is anything that needs tending to or modification in order to fit your manifestation process. On the 25th, Venus enters your 9th house of Pisces where it will stay in for the next few weeks along with the Sun. Venus in Pisces is one of my favorite transits, given that the planet is exalted, aka held up like royalty in this sign. Like I said with the Sun in the 9th house transit, this just brings more energy of expanding the conscious mind with very esoteric, abstract, spiritual and artistic activities. It can also be beneficial to connect with people from long distanced places and form bonds and/or learn from each other. To finish up February, we will be having a Full Moon in Virgo, which activates your 3rd house of community, thoughts and immediate environment. Full Moons are all about culmination points. What is necessary for you to leave behind to make room for new ways of connecting with your immediate community? Virgo, being a Mercury ruled sign, signals that this is a very mental lunation, one in which we can let go of any damaging and sabotaging patterns that might be impeding us to communicate authentically and connect with those around us. What are you ready to let go of, Cancer?


My dearest Leo, welcome to February! The month opens up for you with Venus, the planet of money, values and beauty, ingressing your 7th house of Aquarius, that represents relationships and close partnerships. Usually, Venus transits through the 7th house tend to be quite beneficial, allowing you to open up and dedicate time to your one on one relationships as well as indulging in pleasurable activities with people that are closest to you. It could also indicate a time where there can be healthy and productive boundaries defined and/or put in place to better your existing relationships, since Aquarius is, after all, a Saturn ruled sign. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aquarius, activating your 7th house as well. During this time, Mercury is RX in your 7th house as well, so any moves you make right now when it comes to relationships and partnerships could be bound to be revised in the next week. If there are any new intentions or goals you are trying to set when it comes to your relationships, now is a good time to put them in place, but remember that you’ll be most likely to come back to these intentions and tend to them, possibly having to readjust and revise them after the retrograde period is over, but don’t be afraid to take the leap! On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares usually represent tension and friction, leaving room for improvement but also frustration. This is happening between your 7th and 10th houses, respectively. The 10th house represents public image, career and legacy, who you want to be seen as by the world, it is the most external and public house in a chart. For you, this could manifest as a tension arising between your close relationships and your career life. Perhaps there are people or situations holding you back in one of these areas, or affecting your relationships with superiors or close friends/partners. Uranus in Taurus disrupts the safe and steady, it shakes up our foundation to see what is weak and needs to be tended to. This square is the signature of 2021, so pay attention this year to what is happening in those areas of life and how you are being pushed to grow and face challenges. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, indicating some emphasis and attention being brought into your 8th house of shared resources and finances for the next 30 days. This could also signal possible gain of some sort through another person, such as a significant other or a business partner. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 7th house of Aquarius, indicating that the revision or rethinking period about your one on one relationships is coming to an end for now. Mercury wont clear post-shadow for another week or two, so as you slowly start to put those ideas and thoughts into motion, also keep in mind that there is always the chance to adapt and work with your intentions as you go through life, and it is okay to rethink and re evaluate at any point in time. On the 25th, Venus enters your 8th house of Pisces. Now with both the Sun and Venus in Pisces, this could signal a beneficial time when it comes to 8th house themes. It could also indicate a good time to pay more attention to joint finances and resources in your life. Who do you rely on? How is that working? How does it affect your identity? The month ends with a Full Moon in Virgo, illuminating your 2nd house of values, finances and possessions. This is a great opportunity for you to clean house in this area of life, Leo. What is not beneficial for your security and how can you make room for foundations and structures that will allow you to sustain yourself?



February is here, Virgo! We start the month out with Venus moving into your 6th house of Aquarius, highlighting some work and health topics for the next coming weeks. For the first few weeks of this month, these themes will be very prominent, having almost all personal planets transiting your 6th house. Pay close attention to your health, your work environment, your routines and how you uphold these in your day to day life. Are there any adjustments that need to be made? If so, what are these? Mercury is also RX during this time, inviting you to revise and rethink this area of life. On the 11th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, also activating your 6th house. What are some new seeds, habits and goals you can set and tend to during this time that will help build a better structure when it comes to your daily health and habits and work environment? Take advantage of this Saturnian energy to keep checking in with your goals and your progress. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus in 2021. Squares usually represent friction and tension, but always with possibility of learning and growing. This square is activating your 6th and 9th houses respectively. There is a dynamic in play between the boundaries established in your day to day life with health and work and expanding the bounds of your mind in a more spiritual sense that will provide some sense of security and stability. With Uranus, we are almost forced to explore and embrace the unexpected situations in life, finding ways we can adapt and overcome these in ways that will help us grow and establish solid foundations for the future. These are themes that will be coming up throughout the entirety of this year. A day later, on the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and your 7th house of relationships. This can indicate an emphasis on close relationships and partnerships over the next 30 days. Perhaps it’s a time where you find yourself thinking of your role in relationships and what they make you feel. Are they bringing warmth and vitality to your life? Are you bringing them the same energy? Check in with yourself and your relationships during this time and how you can strengthen and tend to these bonds! On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 6th house of Aquarius, marking the end of its retrograde period for the last few weeks. This post retrograde period can feel almost like the mental fog of the last couple of weeks is being slowly lifted up and our ideas can start to be put into motion. Think back to these past three weeks during the retrograde period. Are there any situations, people or themes that kept on coming back up in your life asking to be seen from a different perspective? This could have to do with your physical health, daily routines and habits and work environment. Mercury won’t clear post-shadow for another week or two, so this is a good time to put these ideas to the test and see how it goes! On the 25th, Venus, the planet of love, values and beauty, enters your 7th house of Pisces, its sign of exaltation. I am just going to take a moment and say that i LOVE this for you, Virgo. Venus transits through the 7th house already tend to be quite favorable (usually!) and the fact that Venus takes on the dreamy qualities of Pisces during this transit makes it all the better to really reach out to people you care about and connect in a deeper way, not only through pleasurable and artistic activities, but also through valuable experiences. Indulge in the love you give and receive from the people you care for the most. The month ends with a Full Moon illuminating your 1st house of self and identity. This is a good opportunity for you to release any and all things that you feel don’t serve your best and highest self. Is there anything that feels inauthentic to you, Virgo? Let that go!



Hello Libra and welcome to February! The month opens up with Venus, the planet of love and values, ingressing your 5th house of Aquarius. 5th house Venus transits are amongst some of my favorites usually, because it’s the house where Venus finds its joy. During the next few weeks, you might feel called to search for your authentic voice and find artistic and valuable ways to express yourself more truthfully, as well as engaging and indulging in pleasurable activities. Since Aquarius is a Saturn ruled sign, keep in mind that it’s okay to expand your boundaries and try things in order to discover new ways of channeling your self-expression. On the 11th, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, also activating your 5th house. This is a good time to plant seed and make plans about creative endeavors. Since Mercury is still retrograde (and in Aquarius too) keep in mind that there’s a likely chance that these are intentions that you’ll have to revisit, tend to and mold according to how your path is developing and how these are manifesting. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares are aspects in between planets that represent tension, friction and challenge, but that also present a great opportunity for growth. This square is activating both your 5th and 8th houses respectively, linking together both creative expression and shared resources throughout all of 2021. This could manifest as different possibilities, such as getting help or unexpected resources to be able to pour into your creative process and self expression, or you could be facing a disruption of resources that were available to you and now there is the opportunity to find what you need somewhere else, but there needs to be an innovation of some sort. The 5th house can also deal with children too, so if they are a big part of your life, pay attention to your relationship to them this year. On the 18th, the Sun enters your 6th house of Pisces. With the Sun transiting your 6th house, now is the time where your health habits and routines are being brought into the spotlight. How are you taking care of yourself both internally and externally? The 6th house can also deal with the work realm, portrayed as a house of service too, so it could be that during this time it is more likely that you’ll have to walk to the beat of someone else’s drum if that is the work situation you find yourself in. Just remember to keep working on yourself and what will bring you the most rewards. Pisces energy is very giving and dreamy, connect with yourself and those around you! On the 20th, Mercury finally stations direct in your 5th house of Aquarius, marking the end of the retrograde period. Even though it won’t clear its post-shadow period for another week or two, this can signal a good time to start putting ideas and thoughts that were under revision in motion. Are there any new creative ideas or thought processes you have been mulling over that you are ready to put in place now? This can also indicate a lift of the mental haze you could’ve been experiencing when it comes to self expression and feeling more in control and clear about 5th house themes. On the 25th, Venus enters your 6th house of Pisces, signaling a somewhat beneficial and harmonious time when it comes to health and work. One of the possible downsides of this transit, since the 6th house is a house of service, is putting others’ needs ahead of your own when you need to tend to yourself. Find the balance between tending to others and yourself as well, Libra. The month ends up with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th, illuminating your 12th house of isolation and subconscious. This is the ultimate purge moment for you, Libra. This is an opportunity to clean house when it comes to mental patterns and behaviors that are self-sabotaging and detrimental to your mental health to make way for healthier and better ways to deal with your mind.



Scorpio! February is here and the month opens up for you with Venus, the planet of beauty and values, ingressing into your 4th house of Aquarius, indicating some harmony and pleasantries regarding themes of home, family and ancestry. This can be a time where connecting with yourself, your past and/or your family could be beneficial and grounding for you. On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, also activating your 4th house, presenting a good opportunity to set new goals regarding these themes. Perhaps there is a new routine at home you want to start incorporating or this could be as simple as making an effort to reach out and connect with your family and ancestry or simply connect to the living space you are in right now. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares during 2021 between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Scorpio, for you this is activating your 4th and 7th houses respectively, indicating some tension and friction between your home, family and your close relationships. Since this will be the signature aspect of 2021, these themes will come up throughout the entire year. Pay attention to these dynamics and how they unfold during this time. Saturn in Aquarius is all about implementing new boundaries and foundations for the future and Uranus in Taurus is about disrupting the safety and security we once thought was in place, in order to explore new and innovative ways of going about situations in our partnerships (whether its romantic or business) Find the balance of drawing boundaries when necessary but also do not be afraid of implementing new processes when it comes to dealing with these two dynamics. Even though squares do represent friction, challenges and tension, there is always room to grow and use that friction to ignite a spark that will illuminate a new path for you! On the 18th, the Sun enters your 5th house of Pisces and my oh my, do I LOVE this for you, Scorpio! The 5th house is all about pleasure, self-expression, creativity, sex and children. It is time for you to delve into your true self from a more spiritual and dreamy point of view. When I think of Pisces, out of the three water signs, I think of the vastness of the ocean, the ever changing tides, and the possibility of drifting away into an alternative reality where everything is a dream. What makes you feel good? What brings joy, vitality and warmth to your soul? Lean into those activities, people, feelings and situations over the next month! On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 4th house of Aquarius, marking the end of the retrograde period. This can indicate a shift of mental activity picking up pace and moving forward when it comes to family and home themes, versus the past few weeks of introspection and reevaluating of certain old patterns that might’ve come up during this time. What needs to change, Scorpio? On the 25th, Venus enters your 5th house of Pisces, and if I was excited for the Sun to enter your 5th house, I am even MORE excited for Venus to join it as well. Venus finds its joy in the 5th house and its exalted in Pisces, so this really marks a time of hyper harmony, imagination, indulgence and pleasure. Think Venus and Jupiter energy together, two benefics just having a great time and swimming around aimlessly, just trying to discover themselves and what makes them feel authentic. The month finishes up with a Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th, activating your 11th house of networking, social settings, hopes and dreams. Is there any decluttering, or cleaning house that needs to be done in this area, Scorpio? Even though the social scene is not back to normal, are you putting yourself in situations you don’t enjoy? How do you tend to those hopes and dreams inside your heart and your mind? This is a good time to purge anything that is not necessary or conducive to your growth, especially mentally, given that it is a Mercury ruled lunation. What can you make room for to inspire yourself this time around?



Sag, my love, February is here and it welcomes us with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, ingressing your 3rd house of Aquarius, which rules thoughts, community, immediate environment and short distance travel. This transit can indicate a time where it is easier to notice the little, sweet and joyful things in life in your surroundings. Take pleasure in taking a safe walk around your favorite place, if you have it accessible to you. Or even spending a few minutes under the Sun and getting some warmth and comfort. To me, Venus transiting the 3rd house is a “stop and smell the flowers” kind of transit, so do just that! On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, also activating your 3rd house. New Moons are all about new beginnings and new intentions. What seeds, manifestations or projects are you trying to start on this new lunar cycle when it comes to your immediate community, thought patterns or even family dynamics such as siblings? On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares usually represent aspects of tension and frustration, with room to grow and learn from setbacks and clashing energies. This square is happening in your 3rd and 6th houses respectively and will be activated exactly 3 times throughout 2021. This square invites you to challenge your attitude and mental structures towards both your immediate environment, thoughts, community, work and health. How can you find new ways of revolutionizing how you live your everyday life, your routines and work habits? Perhaps this is a time where you find yourself working more closely with technology in any capacity or develop new work relationships. These themes are likely to come up during the rest of the year, so keep tabs on how this can manifest for you! On the 18th, the Sun enters your 4th house of Pisces, bringing some attention to your home, family and ancestry area of life. For the next 30 days, it can be very beneficial to go inward and connect with who we are and where we come from on a deeper level. It can also indicate a time where we focus more on the hidden and private aspects of our home life. Pisces is a mutable, water sign, so connecting with these parts of yourself through creative and/or spiritual activities can be very beneficial at this time. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 3rd house of Aquarius, signaling the end of the retrograde period. Even though we won’t be out of post-shadow phase for another week or two, now we can start moving forward and slowly put our ideas to work. This can also be a great time to check in with your new moon intentions that were planted previously and see if there is anything that needs adjusting as time goes by. If you’ve been experiencing a mind haze for the last few weeks, this can indicate the ending of that phase, as Mercury starts moving forward and our thoughts get clear. On the 25th, Venus enters your 4th house of home and family and joins the Sun in Pisces for a few weeks. The journey of Venus through Pisces is one of my favorite ones, and through the 4th house, you can expect a harmonious and pleasurable time spent at home or around family/loved ones. It can signal a time where there is more creative and spiritual energy in your living environment, or perhaps you have a desire to re-decorate or indulge in doing Venusian activities at home. One thing to keep in mind is the need for boundaries at some point. It is absolutely okay to indulge in foods, activities, emotions and people for one’s happiness and comfort, but also remember that Jupiter (ruler of Pisces) has a hard time setting boundaries as it just is about expanding and making things bigger, and you don’t want to fall into detrimental territory when it comes to overindulgence! On the 27th and to wrap up February, we will have a Full Moon in Virgo, activating your 10th house of career, public image and legacy. Full Moons are times of culmination and letting go. What are things that are holding you back from expressing yourself and who you want to be in this world? What are mental patterns and thoughts that could be impeding you from moving forward in your path and how can you best release these to make room for new ones? You got this, Sagittarius!


Capricorn, February is here! The month starts you off with Venus, the planet of love and beauty entering your Aquarius 2nd house of finances, security and possessions, indicating a beneficial and harmonious time in this area of life for the next few weeks. Usually with Venus transits through the 2nd, I would be weary of spending your resources excessively, but since it is transiting through a Saturn ruled sign, I could see this transit manifesting more in the responsible spectrum of your finances during this time. Perhaps re-visiting a financial or savings plan during this time, or implementing a new one could be a smart decision. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aquarius, also falling in your 2nd house of finances. During this month, there is a lot of Aquarius energy in play, which means that the financial area of life for you can be going through a lot of changes and readjustments to be better and more beneficial for you in the long run. Use this New Moon to start up a sustainable plan for your future. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares are usually aspects that depict tension, friction and challenge, but with the opportunity to grow and learn from these situations as well if the energy is harnessed and released correctly. This square is happening in your 2nd and 5th houses respectively, which means the dynamics of both your financial and creative world will be facing a clash of some sort. This could provide an opportunity in which you seek an unconventional or innovative creative idea that could have the potential of being either financially beneficial or challenging, depending on how you choose to harness these energies. The key could be balancing the energy of Saturn, about setting realistic boundaries and structures that are safe and sustainable and at the same time incorporating the energy of Uranus about a more future-based and groundbreaking creative or self-expressive idea. These squares will be happening for the entirety of 2021, going exact three times, so this could be a recurring theme that develops throughout this entire next year. On the 18th, the Sun enters your 3rd house of Pisces, indicating a shift of focus and attention on your immediate environment, community, thoughts and short distance travel. This can be a time where you are focused on your immediate surroundings, friends and neighbors as well as how you communicate and connect with them in your day to day life. It can also signal an increase of pace and activity in your life regarding these themes! It could also be beneficial to take yourself on a safe, short trip to have some space for yourself and your thoughts, it could be a walk around the neighborhood, a trip to the beach or your favorite spot wherever you live. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 2nd house of Aquarius, marking the end of the retrograde period. Even though we won’t clear the post-shadow retrograde period for another week or two, this indicates a time where we can put our ideas that have been up for revision, rethinking and restructuring into action and play. It can also be a good check point for the new moon intentions that were set back on the 11th, and seeing how they are manifesting so far. If there are things that need to be adjusted or revisited, this is the time to tend to it! On the 25th, Venus enters your 3rd house of Pisces and joins the Sun for the next few weeks. As I’ve said many times, to me, Venus transiting the 3rd house is a “stop and smell the flowers” energy and I love it. This emphasizes the Sun’s trajectory through this house at this time, encouraging you to really find pleasure and joy in every day sightings and outings as well as interactions with friends, neighbors and loved ones. To end the month, on the 27th, there will be a Full Moon in Virgo, illuminating your 9th house of education, knowledge, spirituality, religion and long distance travel. This Full Moon is an excellent releasing opportunity for you, Capricorn. What beliefs are you ready to let go of in order to make room for new and more compatible ways of thinking and seeing the world? It can be a good time for you to take a mental trip and journey within, meditating and exploring your mind and taking stock of old systems that don’t work for you anymore.


Dear Aquarius, happy February and happy season! The month opens up with Venus ingressing your Aquarius 1st house of self and identity. Since the 1st house is the most personal house in our charts, you might feel the effects of Venus’ transit very strongly over the next few weeks. This can indicate a time where you yourself feel more at peace and harmony with the world around you. Perhaps it’s a time where you want to indulge in pleasurable activities that make you feel happy and creative as well as add value to your time and energy. On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, also activating your 1st house. New Moons are times of new beginnings, so what intentions and manifestations that are true to you and your identity do you want to bring forth this next lunar cycle? Are there any personal goals, structures or projects you want to begin and tend to right now? This can be the time to go for it! Keep in mind, Mercury is still RX during this lunation, so there is a big possibility of having to come back and revisit these intentions and tend to them as they continue to manifest. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. This square is basically the signature aspect for 2021. For you, this is activating your 1st and 4th houses respectively, indicating the tension and friction between self-discipline, discovery and unexpected family and past dynamics. The transit of Saturn through the 1st house is one of the most personal ones, asking for a lot of restructuring and internal work. Paired up with Uranus transiting your 4th house of Taurus, it signals a lot of disruption, discoveries and changes within your home and family life and dynamics. Pay attention to how the relationship with yourself and with your family shifts and changes within this year and what you can learn from them and your past in order to reinvent yourself and grow into who you want to be. On the 18th, the Sun enters your Pisces 2nd house of security and finances, signaling a shift of focus for the next 30 days or so into your financial life, security and possessions. This is a good time to go through your choices in this area of life and see if they are bringing you the desired results. Is your way of spending, investing or defining your values beneficial for you at this time? Are there any adjustments that could be made? On the 20th, Mercury, the planet of intelligence and communication, stations direct in your 1st house of Aquarius. This marks the end of the retrograde period, and even though we won’t clear the post-shadow period for another week or two, we can slowly but surely start putting our plans and thoughts in motion and expect less resistance and obstacles when working on manifesting these. Mercury stationing direct can also manifest as being able to express yourself and your point of view more clearly now than in the last few weeks, and might’ve given you time to reflect and reevaluate some of your personal thoughts and beliefs! On the 25th, Venus joins the Sun in your 2nd house of Pisces, bringing more emphasis and attention to your values and money spending. I would suggest to be very particular and careful with how and where you invest and spend your money during this time. Venus loves being in Pisces, but it also not very familiar with boundaries in this position, so you don’t want that to seep through your security and financial stability if you can, but Venus’ transit through Pisces and through your 2nd house can definitely call for some indulgent behavior in activities that make us feel good and at peace. To wrap up the month, there is a Full Moon in Virgo, illuminating your 8th house of shared finances and resources. Full Moons are times of culmination and ultimate release, and for you Aquarius, this lunation is asking you to let go of things that are not your responsibility or burden. The 8th house can mostly deal with other people’s shit, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional. Are there unnecessary feelings, situations or things you are carrying for someone else that is not your responsibility? This very well could be mental responsibilities, since it is a Mercury ruled lunation. Whatever it is, identify it, and let it go Aquarius!


Pisces, February is here and we are one month closer to your season! The month opens up with Venus, the planet of love and values, ingressing your 12th house of Aquarius. Venus’ transit through this house is one of the more favorable ones, given some of the themes of what the 12th house consists of, such as sorrow, isolation and imprisonment. This can indicate a time where there is selflessness in your actions and you could be more prone to tend to others before yourself. Find the balance and boundary between tending to your mind and others’ needs during this time. On the 11th, there will be a New Moon in Aquarius, activating your 12th house as well. New Moons are all about new beginnings: What new structures and boundaries can you set for yourself as far as your subconscious mind is concerned? This can signal a somewhat isolated and introspective lunation for you where it could be necessary to dive in deeper into your mind and soul. On the 17th, we will be experiencing the first of three squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squares represent aspects of friction and tension with the opportunity for growth and learning. This square is activating your 12th and 3rd houses, respectively, meaning that both subconscious and everyday dynamics are coming head to head throughout this entire year. The bright side of this transit is that both of these planets in these specific houses are serving you an opportunity for a clean slate. What clutter can you clear away from your mind, clutter that nobody else but you has to deal with every single day, and what new ways can you think of that will let you implement different forms of thinking and caring for yourself as well as giving you a fresh new perspective to experience your environment? Changes are inevitable and uncomfortable. How can you embrace that space for the best? On the 18th, the Sun enters your Pisces 1st house of self and identity, and for the next 30 days, the warmth and vitality of the Sun’s energy could have you feeling recharged and energized. The Sun’s transit through the first house, the most personal house in the chart, can indicate a time where you’re called to deal with more personal and introspective issues and address these accordingly. It can also be a time where you get in touch with yourself and what makes you happy and feel alive. On the 20th, Mercury stations direct in your 12th house of Aquarius. Pisces, this Aquarius season is probably one of the most introverted and out-of-body experience seasons you could possibly experience, with all these planets roaming your 12th house. With Mercury exiting its retrograde period, some grounding and mental clarity could be pushed forward. Take it day by day and listen to yourself, your needs and your own boundaries! On the 25th, Venus enters your 1st house of Pisces, and this is meant to be a time for you to feel yourself in every type of way! Venus is the planet of money, beauty, art, values, love, sex. In Pisces, it just highlights this energy even more. How can you care for yourself during the next few weeks and indulge in activities that will make you feel good and creative? It can also indicate a time where everything around you seems more harmonious and pleasurable and interactions with others are usually favorable! To end the month, there will be a Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. Full Moons are times of culmination and release, Pisces. Are there any relationships or partnerships that you need to let go of, that are no longer serving its purpose or are not compatible with where you are as a person and in life currently? Sometimes it is okay to let go of some connections in order to make room for new ones, it doesn’t have to be a malicious cut or end of a relationship, it can simply be to make space for new experiencing and letting the universe do its thing.

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We often hear that the leading cause of our problems is within ourselves. But so is the solution.

It may seem far-fetched, but the power to solve all of our physical and emotional issues, whether it’s health, relationships, career, finances, self-esteem, or something else, is in our hands.

Metaphysical counseling helps us uncover the root of our suffering and address it accordingly. Let’s find out how!

Great for: Transitions, getting to the next level, breaking free of limiting beliefs or blockages, empowering one to believe in themselves, having accountability through your goals

what is metaphysics

Metaphysics is the most abstract branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of existence. In Greek, the word metaphysics means “after the things of nature”.

Metaphysics examines the very nature of reality. It offers explanations for phenomena that cannot be explained by “natural” science or that are “beyond the physical”.

This science studies the individual as a whole, as a physical and spiritual being.

Certain types of chakra healing and other holistic, spiritual healing practices, personal development, and even business coaching are based on metaphysics. They typically include working on physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being to resolve issues that person is facing.

The fundamental law of metaphysics is that every action or decision causes a reaction or an effect. Everything that happens to us (positive or negative) results from past actions or decisions in this lifetime or before the present life.

Similarly, everything we do now will have an effect on our life in the future. This law is better known as karma (action).

It is also believed that we must resolve our life’s issues in this lifetime.

What is metaphysical counseling?

Metaphysical counseling is based on the principle that everyone is sent by the Soul (higher self) to grow at all levels of their being through their life experiences and the lessons they learn in life.

Sometimes referred to as spiritual or transpersonal counseling, it represents a whole person approach – body, mind, and spirit. This type of counseling helps us better understand our life experiences by explaining aspects that our senses cannot perceive.

To put it simply, metaphysical counseling is a form of therapy that empowers us to empower ourselves.

There are many ways metaphysical counseling can take place. This will depend on the practitioner you choose, the kind of spirituality they practice, and the specific issues you may be looking to address.

Some counselors will advise you on the use of crystals for healing, while others will stress the importance of prayer.

This is why it is essential to find a counselor whose beliefs align with yours. Otherwise, your counseling might not have the desired effect.

What can metaphysical counseling help us with?

Metaphysical counseling is a type of holistic-approach therapy based on spiritual principles. This psycho-spiritual approach helps people live a more authentic life by making conscious choices.

It is a self-empowering therapy that gives us the tools to identify and address the imbalances in our belief system that cause conflict and prevent us from achieving success and happiness. These beliefs are so subconscious that we aren’t always aware of them.

With the help of a therapist, people can discover the fundamental causes of their suffering and reach a solution through self-discovery.

It is all about learning to utilize our own self-healing power to reinstate harmony.

This can apply on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Good metaphysical counseling will address all of those.

What does a metaphysical counselor do?

A metaphysical counselor is capable of healing not only the human mind but the body as well. They can help with various mental issues, including depression, anxiety, and loneliness, or any physical illness, by offering guidance and support to their clients.

A metaphysical counselor can help us navigate our way to health, success, strength, or anything else we desire. They also help clients understand their spiritual nature in this lifetime and beyond.

Each counselor will have their own approach; some will focus on the metaphysical properties of the things around you and how to use those to your benefit, while others will prefer working on your own inner world.

We are all exposed to various positive and negative influences that shape our daily actions, thoughts, and reality. Negative impacts lead to issues like anxiety, negativity, and close-mindedness.

Metaphysical counseling aims to free people from these negative influences and their effects.

Gaining a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the physical and spiritual world surrounding us with the help of a metaphysical counselor gives us the ability to recognize these harmful influences and build a defense mechanism.

The root of these problems lies deeper than the physical, mental, or emotional sphere. To find a solution, we must target the source. And that lies at the deepest and wisest level of our being – the level of the Soul. Many life situations can only be addressed through the metaphysical laws, and the soul factor is always present. Metaphysical counselors teach us numerous powerful techniques and spiritual principles we can utilize to find the greater good in any challenging situation.

They give us the tools to find a solution to our life issues without a struggle, using less energy in the process.

What to expect from your first metaphysical counseling session

During the first session, the client answers a series of questions regarding their life and the issues that are troubling them.

The counselor listens attentively to understand not only the surface issue but also the stressful beliefs and patterns that are causing the problem.

Further steps depend on the specific type of counseling and the counselor you choose. But after a counseling session, the goal is for clients to experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

Not a one-size-fits-all approach

Metaphysics is a versatile form of therapy, so it can be adjusted to the client’s changing needs as the sessions develop.

Therapists use a variety of counseling skills and techniques. They usually determine which method is the most suitable, depending on the client’s condition at that moment.

For example, you may focus on meditation to prepare yourself for success but turn to more conversation-based therapy to deal with anxiety.

As you and your counselor work together, you will find what works best for you personally. This is one of the significant benefits of metaphysical approaches – they are highly flexible.

Metaphysics can be applied to almost any condition and is incredibly helpful with issues regarding:

mental health
challenges in the workplace
relationship issues
dealing with stress and anxiety
understanding emotional reactions
unlocking habitual patterns