by Ellen Aura

For best guidance, read for both your Sun sign & your Rising Sign ✨

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Happy April, Aries! The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, moving into your Aries 1st house of self and identity. This is a time to speak your truth and be authentic to your needs, thoughts and feelings. Keep in mind though, that Aries is a very direct and blunt energy, so it could be beneficial to truly think before you speak for the next few weeks! On the 11th, we will be experiencing a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 1st house of self and identity. What are new intentions, manifestations or ideas you want to bring into this world, Aries? Are there any new personal goals you want to set for this upcoming lunar cycle? What passion projects do you want to start right now? What fire are you wanting to ignite to propel you forward this time around? On the 14th, Venus finally exits its sign of detriment and moves into your Taurus 2nd house of finances and material possessions. Venus is extremely at home in Taurus, and this transit can indicate some good fortune coming through in your monetary area of life. Venus is not only about values, but also money, art and pleasure. What can you invest in during these next few weeks that will benefit you in the long run with your financial security? Are there any investments worth making that can help build or strengthen the foundations laid when it comes to your money? On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your Taurus 2nd house of finances and security. If you weren’t ready to make moves before, Mercury is here to push you to do so! By moves, I don’t necessarily mean actually throwing your money wherever you see fit to make a profit, I am talking of actually laying down a plan that will help you build the financial security you wish to have in your life. Mercury is all about our mind and our intellect, really digging into topics or possibilities you see in this area of life and how they might play out in the future. Do you see any investments worth making, whether they are money based or not? What can you change in your life that can lead you to gain more security for yourself? Whether that is starting a new routine, a new job, a new investment plan. Whatever you see fit! On the 23rd, Mars enters your Cancer 4th house of home and family. Now Mars is not really at home in Cancer, in fact, it is quite the opposite, which makes this transit a little difficult to deal with sometimes. With the planet of action and war moving into your house of home and family, it can indicate some potentially combative times in this area of life. I like to think of Mars in Cancer as having the potential of being emotionally explosive, so try and keep yourself level-headed and passive in times of disagreements or clashes as much as you can. There can be a positive outcome with trying to deal with these emotions rationally rather than wanting to be passive-aggressive or impulsive when expressing ourselves, especially when it comes to family dynamics and people we are living with. On the 26th and to finish off this month, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio, which illuminates your 8th house of shared resources and finances. What an ultimate opportunity to release, Aries! Even though the moon is very isolated and out of its comfort zone in Scorpio, this can be a change to let go of all burdens that don’t pertain to you. Any emotional or very much physical baggage that you might be carrying for someone else has the potential of being released right now. What is holding you back? What do you want to make room for in the shared area of your life that will bring more positivity and growth your way? 


Hello Taurus and welcome to April! Your season is here and the month opens up with Mercury, the planet of communication, moving into your Aries 12th house of isolation and subconscious. This can indicate a time where you are more withdrawn from the world around you and you concentrate on what’s going on inside your mind and your heart. With Aries being a fire and a cardinal sign, it can sometimes be a combative energy, where there’s a possibility of things being said in the heat of the moment that might be regretted later on. Try and keep a grounded approach in times of conflict right now, Taurus! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 12th house of isolation. The 12th house can often deal with themes of self sabotage and imprisonment, so it could be beneficial to think of what patterns, thoughts and feelings are holding you back right now. What are things that you can pinpoint that you subconsciously do that you can adapt to and change right now? What new patterns can you put in place that will be healthy for not only you, but the life you live around you? This could be an isolating and lonely new moon, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. Being alone can be good, we all have to learn how to deal with ourselves one way or another. What’s a way that is easy, healthy and positive for you to deal with what goes on in your subconscious mind? On the 14th, Venus exits its detriment sign of Aries and slides into your Taurus 1st house of self and identity, indicating a time where there is harmony coming from within you. Venus is at home and comfortable in the grounded sign of Taurus, so you might feel inclined to partake in harmonious, artistic and valuable activities, thoughts and feelings. It could be easier to maintain the peace and make compromises with others during this time but make sure you are still standing up and keeping your own values in mind! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 1st house of Taurus, and this can signal a time where there is more emphasis on speaking your truth and what’s on your mind in a grounded and effective way, but beware of not getting too fixated or stubborn when your thoughts are being challenged by outside experiences. Give your mind room to explore different possibilities and learn from interactions you are having during this transit! On the 23rd, Mars exits Gemini and enters the water and cardinal sign of Cancer, which activates your 3rd house of community and immediate environment. This transit can indicate a pick up of momentum in this area of life, making your everyday life seem to move at a faster pace. With Mars in Cancer, it is not really at home, therefore this planet doesn’t perform as best as it could. During this transit, make sure you are not taking a defensive stance where one is not needed. Mars can bring a hot headed and tempered energy that is easy to rile up and have exploded, especially being in the sensitive sign of cancer, where this could probably manifest as emotional turmoil between your everyday encounters. Stand your ground where needed and retract when you need to. On the 26th and to wrap up this month, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. Taurus, what needs to be released in this area of life? What relationships, patterns and emotions can you let go of to make room for new things to come to you when it comes to your one on one relationships? The moon is not comfortable in Scorpio, which can mean this lunation could turn out to be somewhat emotionally draining. Keep your head high Taurus and release what you deem best for your current situation right now!


Hi Gemini! The month of April opens up with Mercury, the planet of the mind and intellect, ingressing your Aries 11th house of networking, hopes and ideas. This can indicate a good time to look over your goals in life and assess the direction these are going in. Are they panning out the way you planned it to, or are there pieces and bits that you can modify to develop them further? The energy of Aries supports exploring new ways of thinking but could lack grounding in following through, so just keep that in mind and find an anchor you can come back to if things get overwhelming. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 11th house, signaling a good time to put those new ideas into fruition. What goals are you intending on manifesting for this next lunar cycle? What new passion have you discovered so far during Mercury’s transit through this house? On the 14th, Venus enters your Taurus 12th house of isolation and subconscious. As with most Venus transits, they are usually not as challenging as other planets’ transit through the 12th house. Another good thing is that Venus is at home in Taurus, so there’s a high chance that the effects of this transit will be in a constructive manner more than destructive. During this time, focus on your inner self, your subconscious and any patterns in place that might be detrimental to you and the love you harvest for yourself. 12th house transits can usually lead to isolating periods of time where we can explore and learn more about ourselves in solitude. On the 19th, the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 12th house of Taurus, signaling a time where you could be mentally withdrawn from the world and focus on what’s going on inside yourself. Taurus is a earth, fixed sign, and even though that can provide some grounding to your thought process, it can also manifest as a stubborn energy and hard to persuade, so keep an open mind when it comes to exploring your subconscious and the way you communicate not only with yourself but with the world around you. On the 23rd, Mars enters your Cancer 2nd house of material possessions and security. As a person with natal Mars in the 2nd house, my best advice to you is to not identify yourself with how much you possess. Your value is not based on your bank account or how much stuff you own. Instead, try to channel that and find things that spark some kind of emotional connection to you, a souvenir, memorabilia, etc. Beware of your spending during these next few weeks as well, as Mars tends to have a very impulsive and burning energy that could lead to needless spending. On the 26th and to wrap up the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 6th house of work and health. This lunation can be a somewhat challenging one for everyone as a collective, given the fact that not only is the Moon is in fall in the sign of Scorpio, but also, its ruling planet Mars, is in detriment in the sign of Cancer. Take whatever measures needed to make sure you are far from any hostile or detrimental environments at this time, especially when it comes to your daily routines and work life. This Full Moon can have the potential of constructive emotional release, receiving a wide trine from Mars in the sensitive and intuitive sign of Cancer. 


Welcome to April, Cancer! The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and intellect, moving into your Aries 10th house of career and public image, usually signaling a good time for conversations, communication and intellectual activity of any kind, especially when it comes to your professional world and your career. Aries is a cardinal and fire energy that can help jump start projects and movements, but make sure to find some grounding and follow through if and when you start to implement these! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 10th house of career. What are some new projects that you want to put out in the world right now and manifest for yourself? With Mercury co-present, it could indicate a favorable time for brainstorming and planting new seeds. On the 14th, Venus exits your 10th house and ingresses its home sign of Taurus and your 11th house of ideas, goals and networking. As with most Venus transits, they tend to be positive and beneficial. For the next few weeks you could feel inclined to engage in pleasurable and artistic activities with friends or a social group, building new and valuable connections or simply strengthening the ones already in place. On the 19th, the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 11th house of Taurus, signaling a period of time where you are asked to look at your expectations and goals in life. What are these and how are they coming into fruition right now? The Taurean energy can help you approach these ideas, goals and hopes from a grounded and resilient perspective, but beware of not getting too fixated in the process where you aren’t open to other ideas or ways of going about exploring this area of life. On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of war and action, enters its detriment sign of Cancer and your 1st house of self and identity, indicating a time where your self-assertion is more prominent than before. During this transit, it can be advised to work alone rather than for or with other people, especially given the fact that Mars is not functioning at its best capacity in the sign of Cancer, so this could manifest as an emotional explosion if the energy is not handled properly. To finish off the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 5th house of self-expression and creativity. This lunation can be a somewhat challenging one for everyone as a collective, given the fact that not only is the Moon is in fall in the sign of Scorpio, but also, its ruling planet Mars, is in detriment in the sign of Cancer. For you, it’s tying both themes of your identity and your pleasures and self-expression. What are some things in these areas of life that are holding you back, that are impeding you from expressing and exploring yourself, both emotionally and physically? 


April is here, Leo! The month opens up with the planet of communication, Mercury, moving into your Aries 9th house of education and spirituality, indicating a time where you could be inclined to do a lot of mental exploration and delving into new subjects and interests. Take advantage of the passionate and determined Aries energy to expand your boundaries when it comes to your mind! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 9th house. This is an opportunity to push your intellectual and spiritual boundaries, Leo. How can you explore both these themes from a new perspective and learn more about the world and your place in it? On the 14th, Venus, the planet of relationships and money, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 10th house of career and public image. As with most Venus transits, this is a favorable time in this area of life, where there could be opportunities thrown your way as well as getting involved in more artistic matters when it comes to your professional and career life. Take advantage of this transit and make the most out of this harmonious and grounded energy! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 10th house of Taurus, indicating a positive time for intellectual activities and conversations regarding your career, aspirations and legacy. Use the earth and grounded Taurean energy to put some ideas in place! On the 23rd, Mars enters your Cancer 12th house of subconscious and isolation. Now, Mars is not at home in the sign of Cancer, it is in its fall, meaning it has a more difficult time getting Mars type of stuff done and executed properly. The 12th house is often the most challenging house in our charts, but one where we can learn from the most and grow in unexplainable ways. With Mars transiting this house, it can indicate a frustrating time with yourself and others, where harmful patterns that you could be unaware of can surface back up. One of the best things to do can be to work by yourself during this time to avoid conflicts with others and be honest with yourself when situations happen where you feel defensive or like committing a self-defeating act. If we are honest about how we feel and try to get to the root of the problem, we have a chance of addressing these situations and healing them from within. On the 26th and to wrap up the month of April, we will be having a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 4th house of home and family. Leo, take this time to quite literally do a cleaning spree! What in your physical space do you not need to keep anymore? Make room for new and exciting things that have the potential to stimulate the space around you! Full Moons are quite literally moments of culmination and purging, so release what is necessary!


Virgo, April has arrived! The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, moving into your Aries 8th house of shared resources. Now, commonly, unless there are any serious afflictions to either your 8th house or Mercury in your chart, this transits is usually smooth sailing, indicating the chance of negotiations when it comes to joint resources and shared finances. If you do have serious afflictions to this house and/or Mercury, it is best to lay low and not strike up negotiations or deals of any kind for the next few weeks. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 8th house, signaling a potentially good window of time to create and develop a joint financial or savings plan for the future. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which during this lunation will be in the air, mutable sign of Gemini, which is very much connected to our mind and intellect, so take advantage of this energy to get some things cleared up! On the 14th, Venus, the planet of values, arts & money enters its home sign of Taurus and your 9th house of education, knowledge and spirituality. Expand your intellect and your mind through artistic activities and experiences during the next few weeks, Virgo! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 9th house of Taurus, bringing more emphasis to these themes of exploration through grounded situations and experiences. What things can be improved and revamped when it comes to your learning process and belief system? On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of action and war, enters your Cancer 11th house of ideas, goals and networking. Mars is not at home in Cancer, its in its fall, meaning it has a harder time functioning properly in this sign. During this transit, it can be beneficial to put effort towards your goals and aspirations, ones that fulfill you emotionally as well. The 11th house deals with group activities, which can be somewhat contradicting the nature of Mars energy of self-autonomy and independence, so it can be best to find people who know how to work with you and vice versa. To finish off the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 3rd house of immediate community, environment and communication. Virgo, what doesn’t serve you in this area of life anymore? What changes are you ready to make room for?


Welcome to April, Libra! The month opens up & welcomes you with Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, ingressing your Aries 7th house of relationships, indicating a possible good time to address any situations or issues when it comes to your intimate & one on one relationships. Keep in mind that Aries is a very direct and forward energy, which can be perceived as somewhat aggressive at times. Make sure you say what you mean and mean what you sau! Refrain from acting on impulse. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 7th house of relationships. What new relationship(s) do you want to bring into fruition or what existing relationship(s) do you want to strengthen? On the 14th, Venus, your ruling planet, moves into its home sign of Taurus and your 8th house of shared resources, signaling some potential fortune when it comes to this area of life, unless you have afflictions to either Venus or this house in your natal chart. Venus not only represents relationships, but also money, values and art, so opportunities for joint financial endeavours could possibly come in those forms as well. On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 8th house, putting more emphasis on those themes for the next few weeks. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for any opportunities coming your way this next month! On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of action, enters your Cancer 10th house of career and public image, indicating a time where working under yourself could be very beneficial and positive, as long as there is a project that you can dedicate your time and effort too that will also be emotionally fulfilling. On the 26th, and to finish off the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 2nd house of security and finances. Libra, what patterns can you release from this area of life? Does your financial plan need modifying or a straight-up makeover? Now is the time to purge and clean house of any detrimental habits that might be influencing this are of life, you got this!


Hi, dear Scorpio and welcome to April! The month opens up with Mercury, the planet of communication & technology, ingressing your Aries 6th house of work and health. This can indicate a period of time where there is more attention to detail on your part when it comes to daily activities and work endeavours. Be weary of not coming off too strong if you are inclined to share critiques with those around you, especially when it pertains to them. Aries is a very direct and impulsive energy sometimes, so when left unchecked, it could read as aggressive vs constructive criticism. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 6th house. This could be a good opportunity to implement new daily routines, both inside and outside of your daily work environment. What is something new you can apply that will fuel this area of life and help you achieve goals? On the 14th, Venus, the planet that rules money, values and relationships, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 7th house of relationships. Scorpio, this is usually one of the most beneficial Venus transits for you right now, not only because Venus is at home here but also because its in the house ruling intimate and one on one relationships. Unless Venus or your 7th house are afflicted in your natal chart, you can expect the next few weeks to bring some harmonious, artistic & pleasurable energy when it comes to dealing with people and relationships that are the closest to you. Open up and enjoy time with people you value and who value you just as much if not more. On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 7th house of relationships, putting more emphasis and attention towards your close bonds. Are these fulfilling your needs? Are there any issues or citations that need to be cleared up with people around you? This could be a good time to clear the air when it comes to any conflicts. On the 23rd, Mars, your ruling planet, enters your Cancer 9th house of education and spirituality. Use this time and energy to expand the boundaries of your mind by learning new subjects and information. Beware of trying to impose your beliefs on someone else rather defensively or aggressively. Mars is not at home in Cancer, so it has a harder time functioning accordingly, keep that in mind! If the energy is not properly handled, this could end up manifesting as an emotional outburst, one that is more detrimental than useful. On the 26th and to wrap up the month of April, there is a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 1st house of self and identity. This is the ultimate time for purging, Scorpio! Being in your 1st house, you are called to release what no longer serves you in the most personal way. What is holding you back from being you and living your life to the fullest?


April is here, Sagittarius! The month welcomes you with Mercury, the planet ruling communication and intellect, ingressing your Aries 5th house of self-expression and creativity. This can be a time of high mental stimulation when it comes to expressing yourself and working on creative projects in your life. The fire energy of Aries can be very helpful to jump start projects and goals that help you express yourself authentically! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 5th house of creativity. What is something you want to manifest for yourself in this area of life? Are there any new ways of self-exploration that you want to experiment with right now that can be beneficial and allow you to grow and know yourself better? On the 14th, Venus enters its home sign of Taurus and your 6th house of health and work, bringing some harmony, diplomacy and pleasure to this area of life. The 6th house is a house of service primarily, so the need to work with others in a peaceful manner can be achieved during this transit! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 6th house of Taurus, putting more emphasis on the themes of health and work right now and indicating a surge on mental activity. How can you be more efficient, intellectual and communicative during this time with not only yourself but the people around you who you share a work environment with? On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of action and war, moves into your Cancer 8th house of joint resources. Now, Mars is very much not at home in Cancer, quite the opposite, so this can be a difficult transit to manage for the collective. It can be beneficial to remind yourself to take a beat and take a breath every time you feel like you can be slipping into a more combative territory in your life, especially for you when it comes to joint finances and shared activities. The 8th house not only deals with other people’s finances, but also other people’s shit in general, whether that’s physical or emotional, so keep a grounded approach when dealing with other people’s reactions, emotions and stuff in general. On the 26th and to finish off the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 12th house of subconscious and isolation. Sagittarius, what self-defeating patterns can you shed right now to get out of your own way? This lunation is ruled by Mars in Cancer, so it is bound to be an emotional time that can be used for productive emotional purging. 


Hello Capricorn, welcome to April! The month starts off with the planet of communication and intellect, Mercury, entering your Aries 4th house of home and family. During this transit, you might feel inclined to look inward and analyze your life, both past and present. There might be inclinations to communicate with family or parents about family matters. Aries is a forward energy and sometimes beneficial to help us get our point across in a conversation, but it also has the potential of exponentially escalating if we don’t know how to harness the powerful energy of this driven Martian sign. On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 4th house of family and home. This New Moon can present the opportunity of manifesting a new environment where you feel secure and safe, both on the inside and outside. What needs tidying up or renovating in this area of life? Whether that’s a physical change or an emotional one, what is it, Capricorn? On the 14th, Venus enters its home sign of Taurus and your 5th house of creativity and self-expression. This is an extremely awesome transit for you, Capricorn! The 5th house is where Venus finds its joy, and this makes it a very positive transit adding the fact that it is also very at home in the grounded sign of Taurus. This is a time to explore your self-expression, sexuality, pleasures and creativity. Indulge in activities and situations that will bring you harmony, joy and passion and will help you learn the value of things around you and find the value in yourself and your creative process. On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 5th house of Taurus, putting more emphasis and mental focus on these themes explained above. The next month can be crucial for creative endeavours, self-exploration and expression! On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of war and action, enters your Cancer 7th house of relationships. Take it easy with this transit, Capricorn. Mars is uncomfortable in the sign of Cancer, so it has a harder time functioning properly during its transit. Beware of passive-aggressiveness in your closest relationships and avoid retaliating impulsively as a defense mechanism. With challenging Mars transits, I always suggest to take a breath and take a beat when faced with potential conflict and make sure you are standing up for yourself in a grounded and logical way. On the 26th and to finish off the month of April, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio, falling in your 11th house of goals, aspirations and networking. What old dated ideas and goals do you need to strike from the field, Capricorn? How can you make room for more inspiration to find you and to dedicate time to more fulfilling and beneficial goals in your life? Shed all the weight keeping you down and make space for new opportunities to take place!


Happy April, Aquarius! The month kicks off with Mercury, the planet ruling communication, technology and intellect, ingressing your Aries 3rd house of community, immediate environment and thoughts, signaling a surge of mental activity and stimulation when it comes to interacting with everything around you. Try connecting with your environment and people around you and learn about the world you are surrounded by! The Aries energy is supportive of exploring and getting shit done, so take advantage of it! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 3rd house of community and communication. This can indicate a good time to put in place a new learning process or daily routine, or simply to start implementing a new way of communicating with everyone around you. On the 14th, Venus, the planet of money and relationships, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 4th house of home and family, indicating a period of time where you can connect deeper with your family and ancestry relationships. It can also be a time where you feel inclined to revamp your living space, redecorating and making the space feel more comfortable and comforting. One thing to be weary of is to not overindulge or overspend, since both Venusian and Taurean energy tend to enjoy the fancier things in life. Make practical choices! On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 4th house of home and family, bringing more emphasis to these themes. Check in with yourself both mentally and emotionally and ask yourself how this area of life is working for you right now. Are you happy where you live? What do the relationships that you have based on your home and family look like? Are these serving their purposes and helping you or are they hindering you? Communicating your thoughts and feelings during this transit and clearing some of these things up could be beneficial right now! On the 23rd, Mars enters your Cancer 6th house of work and health. Traditionally, the 6th house is where Mars finds its joy, but Cancer is its place of fall, meaning it can’t function properly as it would in its home sign. The nature of the 6th house is that of service, so during this time it’s more likely that you could be working for and responding to others, which can be a bit contradictory to Mars energy of self-autonomy and independence. If you can, find work you can do by yourself that will still be of service to others that will also be emotionally fulfilling for you. To close off the month of April, we will be experiencing a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th, which illuminates your 10th house of career and public image. Talk about an ultimate opportunity for external release, Aquarius! What can you clean out in this area of life that will make room for new projects and career plans for you? Full Moons are times of culmination, exposure and illumination, and happening in the most visible house in your chart, it presents you with the opportunity to be transparent with yourself about what you want to let go of this time around.


Pisces, welcome to the month of April! It starts you off with Mercury, the planet of communication, entering your Aries 2nd house of finances and security, indicating a shift of mental focus towards this area of life. Are the foundations you have in place regarding your finances solid and working properly? Is there any room for improvement or modification that can benefit you in the future? Look over and analyze your way of not only making money, but how you invest and spend as well, there is bound to always be room for improvement! On the 11th, there is a New Moon in Aries, also falling in your 2nd house. What new patterns and arrangements can you put in place this lunar cycle that will help you build security and stability, while also allowing you to grow and learn how to further deal with your finances and material possessions? On the 14th, Venus, the planet of money, values and art, enters its home sign of Taurus and your 3rd house of immediate environment and communication. To me, Venus transiting the 3rd house will always remind me of the phrase “stop and smell the flowers”, quite literally. Venus here is asking you to find joy and value in the little things around you, notice the details of the environment and people you are surrounded with in your day to day life. On the 19th, both the Sun and Mercury join Venus in your 3rd house of community and thoughts, bringing more emphasis to these themes and encouraging the exploration of your immediate environment as well as connecting with those around you! On the 23rd, Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters your Cancer 5th house of creativity and self-expression. This transit can have the potential of bringing out a lot of true creative expression and exploration your way, but it is also important to remember that Mars doesn’t function very properly in the water sign of Cancer, so it has a harder time trying to manifest its actions in a direct way. Find the thread that connects your expression to your emotions and let that creativity flow while having a chance to explore new ways of expressing yourself that feel authentic to you. On the 26th and to finish off the month of April, there is a Full Moon in Scorpio, illuminating your 9th house of education and spirituality. What old dated beliefs can you shed during this time, Pisces? Make room to learn new subjects that you resonate and connect with and can learn more from!

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We often hear that the leading cause of our problems is within ourselves. But so is the solution.

It may seem far-fetched, but the power to solve all of our physical and emotional issues, whether it’s health, relationships, career, finances, self-esteem, or something else, is in our hands.

Metaphysical counseling helps us uncover the root of our suffering and address it accordingly. Let’s find out how!

Great for: Transitions, getting to the next level, breaking free of limiting beliefs or blockages, empowering one to believe in themselves, having accountability through your goals

what is metaphysics

Metaphysics is the most abstract branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of existence. In Greek, the word metaphysics means “after the things of nature”.

Metaphysics examines the very nature of reality. It offers explanations for phenomena that cannot be explained by “natural” science or that are “beyond the physical”.

This science studies the individual as a whole, as a physical and spiritual being.

Certain types of chakra healing and other holistic, spiritual healing practices, personal development, and even business coaching are based on metaphysics. They typically include working on physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being to resolve issues that person is facing.

The fundamental law of metaphysics is that every action or decision causes a reaction or an effect. Everything that happens to us (positive or negative) results from past actions or decisions in this lifetime or before the present life.

Similarly, everything we do now will have an effect on our life in the future. This law is better known as karma (action).

It is also believed that we must resolve our life’s issues in this lifetime.

What is metaphysical counseling?

Metaphysical counseling is based on the principle that everyone is sent by the Soul (higher self) to grow at all levels of their being through their life experiences and the lessons they learn in life.

Sometimes referred to as spiritual or transpersonal counseling, it represents a whole person approach – body, mind, and spirit. This type of counseling helps us better understand our life experiences by explaining aspects that our senses cannot perceive.

To put it simply, metaphysical counseling is a form of therapy that empowers us to empower ourselves.

There are many ways metaphysical counseling can take place. This will depend on the practitioner you choose, the kind of spirituality they practice, and the specific issues you may be looking to address.

Some counselors will advise you on the use of crystals for healing, while others will stress the importance of prayer.

This is why it is essential to find a counselor whose beliefs align with yours. Otherwise, your counseling might not have the desired effect.

What can metaphysical counseling help us with?

Metaphysical counseling is a type of holistic-approach therapy based on spiritual principles. This psycho-spiritual approach helps people live a more authentic life by making conscious choices.

It is a self-empowering therapy that gives us the tools to identify and address the imbalances in our belief system that cause conflict and prevent us from achieving success and happiness. These beliefs are so subconscious that we aren’t always aware of them.

With the help of a therapist, people can discover the fundamental causes of their suffering and reach a solution through self-discovery.

It is all about learning to utilize our own self-healing power to reinstate harmony.

This can apply on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Good metaphysical counseling will address all of those.

What does a metaphysical counselor do?

A metaphysical counselor is capable of healing not only the human mind but the body as well. They can help with various mental issues, including depression, anxiety, and loneliness, or any physical illness, by offering guidance and support to their clients.

A metaphysical counselor can help us navigate our way to health, success, strength, or anything else we desire. They also help clients understand their spiritual nature in this lifetime and beyond.

Each counselor will have their own approach; some will focus on the metaphysical properties of the things around you and how to use those to your benefit, while others will prefer working on your own inner world.

We are all exposed to various positive and negative influences that shape our daily actions, thoughts, and reality. Negative impacts lead to issues like anxiety, negativity, and close-mindedness.

Metaphysical counseling aims to free people from these negative influences and their effects.

Gaining a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the physical and spiritual world surrounding us with the help of a metaphysical counselor gives us the ability to recognize these harmful influences and build a defense mechanism.

The root of these problems lies deeper than the physical, mental, or emotional sphere. To find a solution, we must target the source. And that lies at the deepest and wisest level of our being – the level of the Soul. Many life situations can only be addressed through the metaphysical laws, and the soul factor is always present. Metaphysical counselors teach us numerous powerful techniques and spiritual principles we can utilize to find the greater good in any challenging situation.

They give us the tools to find a solution to our life issues without a struggle, using less energy in the process.

What to expect from your first metaphysical counseling session

During the first session, the client answers a series of questions regarding their life and the issues that are troubling them.

The counselor listens attentively to understand not only the surface issue but also the stressful beliefs and patterns that are causing the problem.

Further steps depend on the specific type of counseling and the counselor you choose. But after a counseling session, the goal is for clients to experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

Not a one-size-fits-all approach

Metaphysics is a versatile form of therapy, so it can be adjusted to the client’s changing needs as the sessions develop.

Therapists use a variety of counseling skills and techniques. They usually determine which method is the most suitable, depending on the client’s condition at that moment.

For example, you may focus on meditation to prepare yourself for success but turn to more conversation-based therapy to deal with anxiety.

As you and your counselor work together, you will find what works best for you personally. This is one of the significant benefits of metaphysical approaches – they are highly flexible.

Metaphysics can be applied to almost any condition and is incredibly helpful with issues regarding:

mental health
challenges in the workplace
relationship issues
dealing with stress and anxiety
understanding emotional reactions
unlocking habitual patterns