transformation & HEALING PROTOCOLS

Transformation and healing protocols are Liberate’s unique methodology designed to get you the results you need and want.

To manifest you desired outcome in life, we have found that it’s best to commit to a package of sessions (protocols) where you’ll work with a few practitioners, of various modalities, to help you shift in a big way.

Our protocols are available in packages of 3, 5 or 10 sessions. The more intense, in depth, or hard to move through your issue/opportunity for change is the longer the protocol you would have.

We are here to meet you exactly where you are in life and help you to transform from the inside out!

Protocol breakdowns


Ready to make some big leaps forward? Let Liberate inspire you to realize your dreams! With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can transform your life.

Protocol 1

Eager to change your job? Wondering what your soul’s purpose is? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight, choose courage, leap into your new.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Lost your job? Worried about what comes next? Feeling stuck? In just 5 sessions we can help you see what you’ve wanted all along, let go of the old, and reprogram for freedom!

Protocol 3

Disillusioned by the trajectory of your life? Befuddled how you got here? Ready for a whole new vocation & direction? In just 10 sessions we can help you define what your soul wants, name it, accept it, and wholeheartedly pursue it. Through repatterning and refocusing we help you stay on track for the glorious new you that is your birthright.

Change | Pivot

Facing the unknown? At a place where you have to make big shifts in your life? Things in the world or in your world change rapidly? Let Liberate inspire you to realize your dreams! With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can transform your life.

Protocol 1

News of a new baby? Have to make a decision and feeling uncertain? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight, choose courage, leap into your new.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Lost your job? Worried about what comes next? Feeling stuck? In just 5 sessions we can help you see what you’ve wanted all along, let go of the old, and reprogram for freedom!

Protocol 3

Disillusioned by the trajectory of your life? Befuddled how you got here? Ready for a whole new vocation & direction? In just 10 sessions we can help you define what your soul wants, name it, accept it, and wholeheartedly pursue it. Through repatterning and refocusing we help you stay on track for the glorious new you that is your birthright.


Broke but not broken? Ready to make that 1st million or your next? With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can become a money magnet.

Protocol 1

Been dreaming about that vacation? Needing a bit more wiggle room? In just 3 sessions we can help you take a look at what might be standing in your way, open your roads, and let the good flow in.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Wanna buy that house? Have you hit an earning ceiling? In just 5 sessions we can help you identify why you’re not where you’d like to be, accept and release those old beliefs and patterns, and reprogram for abundance and prosperity!

Protocol 3

Poverty consciousness got you down? At the bottom of your barrel looking up? Blocked when it comes to money? In just 10 sessions we can help you see the source of your limitations, identify the lesson and the opportunity therein, release trapped energy and heal past karma, begin outflowing and tithing, develop an action plan, reprogram you for riches, and keep you on track with accountability and follow up.



Protocol 1

Low energy? Feel like you are just living each day on repeat? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain new perspectives, release stress and re energize your soul.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Not depressed but feeling just blah? Struggling to find inspiration? In just 5 sessions we can help you identify why you’re feeling the way you are, connect to your heart’s desire and become inspired by life once again.

Protocol 3

Not feeling yourself? Wondering if there is more to life? Questioning your purpose? In just 10 sessions we can help you rediscover yourself, shift your perception, find curiosity that seeks out magic and assist you in reaching new goals in your life.


Let Liberate lead you through grief & loss into peace and new beginnings. With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can heal.

Protocol 1

Life changes? Need to leave a person, place, or thing behind? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight, get closure, move on, and create anew.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

End of relationship? Struggling to move past a loss? Emotional aching? In just 5 sessions we can help you identify why you’re holding on, let go of the past, and reprogram for freedom!


Protocol 3

Lost a loved one? Bewildered by life? Broken by loss? In just 10 sessions we can help you face the trauma of loss, accept what is, cultivate compassion, feel emotions as opposed to avoiding them, repattern your mind and emotional body to move from pain into joy, restore your energy and vitality, and keep you on track with accountability and follow up.

Habits & Patterns

Feeling the need to shake things up? Having a hard time breaking old patterns? We’re here for you. With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can kick the habit and rise renewed.

Protocol 1

Want to quit smoking? Eager to establish new healthy habits? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight, reach cessation, and initiate new patterns.

Protocol 2

Been working on changing a more stubborn pattern? Feeling stuck? Coping strategies no longer helpful? In just 5 sessions we can help you identify exactly what you need to change, break the habit, and reprogram for freedom!

Protocol 3

Struggling with addictions or compulsions? Obsessive behavior and thought? Exhausted by your old patterns? In just 10 sessions we can help you face the root of the issue,  have compassion and acceptance for your difficulties and journey, make amends to others and yourself, gain the support of the community, restore your vitality, and reprogram for success, freedom and joy. And we keep you on track with accountability and follow up.


Stubborn health issues got you down? With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can jump start the healing process and begin anew.

Protocol 1

Lingering pains? Persistent imbalances? In just 3 sessions we can help you identify the energetic cause of the dis-ease, clear it out, and start feeling better.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Upcoming procedure? Managing a chronic condition? Ready to shift? In just 5 sessions we can aid you in seeing what’s at the heart of the issue, help you release the stuck energies and stubborn beliefs behind your condition, replenish your body with fresh new ideas and energies, and heal!

Protocol 3

Serious condition? Ready to be done with ancestral illness? Time for a miracle? In just 10 sessions we can help you delve into the message of your dis-ease, accept what and why the experience is in your life, have compassion for yourself and your body, transmute those stuck energies, and repattern your entire being for the next great endeavor.

Love & Relationships

Sick of relationships never working out?   Are you constantly being let down in love? Do you have a broken heart?   Do you find yourself always giving too much and never getting your needs met in return?  Do you date the same person over and over with just a different head?  Are you over dating selfish or unavailable people?  Are you ready to finally meet an amazing partner with no more BS?

Let us help you finally create a fulfilling love life! In a set of 3, 5 or 10 sessions, experience a pivotal and game-changing inner shift, dramatically impacting your romantic prospects and relationships with a powerful ripple effect out into every area of your life.


Going through a breakup? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight into what went wrong, get closure and move on, and aid you in repatterning for a bright love life. Let us help you when you are a little banged up from a breakup. Do you need to gain clarity on the situation, cut energetic cords and ties and regain an empowered state?  Also great if you are going through a rough patch in your relationship and could use some insight and assistance navigating it. This protocol is also recommended if you have been out of the game for a bit and feeling  intimidated and need a boost of confidence.

Our Recommended Protocol:


This five session package is for those that want to work through and shift deeper patterns and wounds. Are you going through a really bad breakup and no matter what you do you can not seem to let go? Or perhaps you can not let go of the anger you feel? Have you noticed that the same repeating patterns continue to show up in your relationship? Maybe you just want to connect deep and have a few intimacy blocks that you are ready to release. We are here to help you heal your heart, let go of those patterns and step forward in love.


This protocol is for those that are ready to do the deep work to transform more major wounds and really heal your relationship with yourself. Have you experienced trauma in your past relationship/s and know you haven’t worked through it? Do you struggle with codependency and find yourself basing your worth on the love and validation you receive from your partner? Do you not believe you can actually have the relationship you desire? Maybe you have been single for a really long time and it is time to break that block and date again. We are here to help you build that self worth and love for yourself again and finally attract the relationship you have dreamed of.

Spiritual Growth

Why are you here on the planet? Life left you with unanswered questions and unresolved longings With a package of 3, 5 or 10 sessions you can connect to divine source, to the truth of your being.

Protocol 1

Frustrated by the world? Questioning the why and what of your circumstances? In just 3 sessions we can help you gain insight, feel connected, clear, and grateful.

Our Recommended Protocol:

Protocol 2

Momentous changes? Awakening? Ascension symptoms? Questioning loss? Angry at god? In just 5 sessions we can help you identify why you’re holding on, see the miracle of spirit, and enjoy the process instead of resisting it!

Protocol 3

Ready to become a student of life, of spirit? Feeling called to be a light in your community? Tired of being dragged into your callings. In just 10 sessions we can help you accept the workings of spirit—its mystery and paradox, accept what is, cultivate compassion, heal karma, and truly transform.


If you’ve been carrying the heavy weight of trauma, it’s time to let it go! Let Liberate lead you out of the gridlock of trapped pain. With a package of 10 sessions you can heal and be free.

Protocol 1
Protocol 2
Protocol 3

Past abuse? Difficult childhood? Harrowing experiences? In just 10 sessions we can help you understand just how your pain has held you back, aid you in releasing the trapped energy of trauma, clear karma, and move into an entirely new and fulfilling chapter of your life.

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We often hear that the leading cause of our problems is within ourselves. But so is the solution.

It may seem far-fetched, but the power to solve all of our physical and emotional issues, whether it’s health, relationships, career, finances, self-esteem, or something else, is in our hands.

Metaphysical counseling helps us uncover the root of our suffering and address it accordingly. Let’s find out how!

Great for: Transitions, getting to the next level, breaking free of limiting beliefs or blockages, empowering one to believe in themselves, having accountability through your goals

what is metaphysics

Metaphysics is the most abstract branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of existence. In Greek, the word metaphysics means “after the things of nature”.

Metaphysics examines the very nature of reality. It offers explanations for phenomena that cannot be explained by “natural” science or that are “beyond the physical”.

This science studies the individual as a whole, as a physical and spiritual being.

Certain types of chakra healing and other holistic, spiritual healing practices, personal development, and even business coaching are based on metaphysics. They typically include working on physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being to resolve issues that person is facing.

The fundamental law of metaphysics is that every action or decision causes a reaction or an effect. Everything that happens to us (positive or negative) results from past actions or decisions in this lifetime or before the present life.

Similarly, everything we do now will have an effect on our life in the future. This law is better known as karma (action).

It is also believed that we must resolve our life’s issues in this lifetime.

What is metaphysical counseling?

Metaphysical counseling is based on the principle that everyone is sent by the Soul (higher self) to grow at all levels of their being through their life experiences and the lessons they learn in life.

Sometimes referred to as spiritual or transpersonal counseling, it represents a whole person approach – body, mind, and spirit. This type of counseling helps us better understand our life experiences by explaining aspects that our senses cannot perceive.

To put it simply, metaphysical counseling is a form of therapy that empowers us to empower ourselves.

There are many ways metaphysical counseling can take place. This will depend on the practitioner you choose, the kind of spirituality they practice, and the specific issues you may be looking to address.

Some counselors will advise you on the use of crystals for healing, while others will stress the importance of prayer.

This is why it is essential to find a counselor whose beliefs align with yours. Otherwise, your counseling might not have the desired effect.

What can metaphysical counseling help us with?

Metaphysical counseling is a type of holistic-approach therapy based on spiritual principles. This psycho-spiritual approach helps people live a more authentic life by making conscious choices.

It is a self-empowering therapy that gives us the tools to identify and address the imbalances in our belief system that cause conflict and prevent us from achieving success and happiness. These beliefs are so subconscious that we aren’t always aware of them.

With the help of a therapist, people can discover the fundamental causes of their suffering and reach a solution through self-discovery.

It is all about learning to utilize our own self-healing power to reinstate harmony.

This can apply on multiple levels – physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Good metaphysical counseling will address all of those.

What does a metaphysical counselor do?

A metaphysical counselor is capable of healing not only the human mind but the body as well. They can help with various mental issues, including depression, anxiety, and loneliness, or any physical illness, by offering guidance and support to their clients.

A metaphysical counselor can help us navigate our way to health, success, strength, or anything else we desire. They also help clients understand their spiritual nature in this lifetime and beyond.

Each counselor will have their own approach; some will focus on the metaphysical properties of the things around you and how to use those to your benefit, while others will prefer working on your own inner world.

We are all exposed to various positive and negative influences that shape our daily actions, thoughts, and reality. Negative impacts lead to issues like anxiety, negativity, and close-mindedness.

Metaphysical counseling aims to free people from these negative influences and their effects.

Gaining a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the physical and spiritual world surrounding us with the help of a metaphysical counselor gives us the ability to recognize these harmful influences and build a defense mechanism.

The root of these problems lies deeper than the physical, mental, or emotional sphere. To find a solution, we must target the source. And that lies at the deepest and wisest level of our being – the level of the Soul. Many life situations can only be addressed through the metaphysical laws, and the soul factor is always present. Metaphysical counselors teach us numerous powerful techniques and spiritual principles we can utilize to find the greater good in any challenging situation.

They give us the tools to find a solution to our life issues without a struggle, using less energy in the process.

What to expect from your first metaphysical counseling session

During the first session, the client answers a series of questions regarding their life and the issues that are troubling them.

The counselor listens attentively to understand not only the surface issue but also the stressful beliefs and patterns that are causing the problem.

Further steps depend on the specific type of counseling and the counselor you choose. But after a counseling session, the goal is for clients to experience a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

Not a one-size-fits-all approach

Metaphysics is a versatile form of therapy, so it can be adjusted to the client’s changing needs as the sessions develop.

Therapists use a variety of counseling skills and techniques. They usually determine which method is the most suitable, depending on the client’s condition at that moment.

For example, you may focus on meditation to prepare yourself for success but turn to more conversation-based therapy to deal with anxiety.

As you and your counselor work together, you will find what works best for you personally. This is one of the significant benefits of metaphysical approaches – they are highly flexible.

Metaphysics can be applied to almost any condition and is incredibly helpful with issues regarding:

mental health
challenges in the workplace
relationship issues
dealing with stress and anxiety
understanding emotional reactions
unlocking habitual patterns