We go through phases of being enchanted by certain stones (probably natural for working at a place with so many different ones). This week it’s the beautifully unique stone known as vanadinite, known to be a powerful aide for writers who need a little bit of extra discipline and motivation.

Vanadinite heals the area between the first and second chakras, providing grounding energy to help you step more into your power. Helping you stay the course on whatever it is you’re working on, it strengthens resolve while also helping you maintain proper energy levels. Also of note are the tiny hexagonal patterns of the orange crystals, a pattern found all throughout nature (even on the North Pole of Saturn!) that represents order, efficiency and balance.
Work with Vanadinite when you need to shut off mental chatter, clear any energy blocks to-self-expression and streamline your goals. It’s also been said to be helpful in dissuading people from impulse purchases, so keep small piece in your purse if you need to curb your spending for a bit!