Many modern healing methods only incorporate one part of the healing process. When in reality to healing something we need to address mental, emotional, spiritual, AND physical in order to full heal something from our energy and body. With metaphysical therapy our practitioners look at the person as a whole. It is not simply a symptom to be treated. You and your body are an ecosystem that is full of intricate moving parts, all intertwined. Metaphysical therapy is an approach where we look at the symptoms (whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual) and trace them back to the root.
Fun fact: 80% of physical ailments are emotionally based! Meaning that most of our discomfort and ongoing symptoms we experience in our body can be traced to an unhealed or unprocessed emotional experience.
When we are stuck in the same limiting beliefs, patterns and experiencing the same people/situations over and over it can be a sign that we still have something from our past (whether that is ancestral, past life, childhood, or from our lived experiences) that our body has not processed and released. We can also see a need for metaphysical healing when one experiences unexplained illnesses and pains in the body. The most common example of this is when we experience panic attacks which seem to come out of nowhere, but are linked to an emotional issue.
If you have tried different methods to released and heal from experiences and patterns from your life and past but are still experiencing the same symptoms or a feeling of not being over the issue, metaphysical therapy can be a powerful tool for you. When we incorporate the body in our healing we can gain so much knowledge and insight into our behaviors, thoughts and feelings; as the body is an extremely efficient machine and wise, intuitive keeper of information specific to you.
There are many types of metaphysical therapy. Each practitioner that offers Metaphysical Therapy has a unique style for how they approach healing, as well as, different modalities they use. Please look at each practitioner to see their specialties so that you can pick a practitioner that will best suit your needs.
Great For: healing trauma stored in the body, physical ailments, emotional & mental health, unlearning harmful patterns & learning new coping mechanisms, healing ancestral/past life & inner child wounds, healing PTSD & sexual trauma, self love & acceptance